1. openp*t(a)
说明: 指定计算机端的输出端口
a: 单机打印时,请指定打印机驱动程序名称,例如: TSC CLEVER TTP-243
若连接打印机服务器,请指定服务器路径及共享打印机名称,例如: \\SERVER\TTP243
2. closep*t()
说明: 关闭指定的计算机端输出端口
参数: 无
3. setup(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
说明: 设定卷标的宽度、高度、打印速度、打印浓度、感应器类别、gap/black mark 垂直间距、gap/black mark 偏移距离)
a: 字符串型别,设定卷标宽度,单位 mm
b: 字符串型别,设定卷标高度,单位 mm
c: 字符串型别,设定打印速度,(打印速度随机型不同而有不同的选项)
1.0: 每秒1.0吋打印速度
1.5: 每秒1.5吋打印速度
2.0: 每秒2.0吋打印速度
3.0: 每秒3.0吋打印速度
4.0: 每秒4.0吋打印速度
5.0: 每秒5.0吋打印速度
6.0: 每秒6.0吋打印速度
d: 字符串型别,设定打印浓度,
e: 字符串型别,设定使用感应器类别
0 表示使用垂直间距传感器(gap sens*)
1 表示使用黑标传感器(black mark sens*)
f: 字符串型别,设定gap/black mark 垂直间距高度,单位: mm
g: 字符串型别,设定gap/black mark 偏移距离,单位: mm,此参数若使用一般卷标时均设为0
4. clearbuffer()
说明: 清除
参数: 无
5. barcode(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I)
说明: 使用条形码机内建条形码打印
a: 字符串型别,条形码X方向起始点,以点(point)表示。
(200 DPI,1点=1/8 mm, 300 DPI,1点=1/12 mm)
b: 字符串型别,条形码Y方向起始点,以点(point)表示。
(200 DPI,1点=1/8 mm, 300 DPI,1点=1/12 mm)
c: 字符串型别,
128 Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C
128M Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C
EAN128 Code 128, switching code subset A, B, C
25 Interleaved 2 of 5
25C Interleaved 2 of 5 with check digits
39 Code 39
39C Code 39 with check digits
93 Code 93
EAN13 EAN 13
EAN13+2 EAN 13 with 2 digits add-on
EAN13+5 EAN 13 with 5 digits add-on
EAN8+2 EAN 8 with 2 digits add-on
EAN8+5 EAN 8 with 5 digits add-on
CODA Codabar
POST Postnet
UPCA+2 UPC-A with 2 digits add-on
UPCA+5 UPC-A with 5 digits add-on
UPCE+2 UPC-E with 2 digits add-on
UPCE+5 UPC-E with 5 digits add-on
d: 字符串型别,设定条形码高度,高度以点来表示
e: 字符串型别,设定是否打印条形码码文
0: 不打印码文
1: 打印码文
f: 字符串型别,设定条形码旋转角度
0: 旋转0度
90: 旋转90度
180: 旋转180度
270: 旋转270度
g: 字符串型别,设定条形码窄bar 比例因子,请参考TSPL使用手册
h: 字符串型别,设定条形码窄bar 比例因子,请参考TSPL使用手册
I: 字符串型别,条形码内容
6. printerfont(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
说明: 使用条形码机内建文字打印
a: 字符串型别,文字X方向起始点,以点(point)表示。
(200 DPI,1点=1/8 mm, 300 DPI,1点=1/12 mm)
b: 字符串型别,文字Y方向起始点,以点(point)表示。
(200 DPI,1点=1/8 mm, 300 DPI,1点=1/12 mm)
c: 字符串型别,内建字型名称,共12种。
1: 8*/12 dots
2: 12*20 dots
3: 16*24 dots
4: 24*32 dots
5: 32*48 dots
TST24.BF2: 繁体中文24*24
TST16.BF2: 繁体中文16*16
TTT24.BF2: 繁体中文24*24 (电信码)
TSS24.BF2: 简体中文24*24
TSS16.BF2: 简体中文16*16
K: 韩文 24*24
L: 韩文 16*16
d: 字符串型别,设定文字旋转角度
0: 旋转0度
90: 旋转90度
180: 旋转180度
270: 旋转270度
e: 字符串型别,设定文字X方向放大倍率,1~8
f: 字符串型别,设定文字X方向放大倍率,1~8
g: 字符串型别,打印文字内容
7. sendcommand(command)
说明: 送内建指令到条形码打印机
参数: 详细指令请参考TSPL
8. printlabel(a,b)
说明: 打印卷标内容
a: 字符串型别,设定打印卷标式数(set)
b: 字符串型别,设定打印卷标份数(copy)
9. downloadpcx(a,b)
说明:下载单色PCX 格式图文件至打印机
a: 字符串型别,文件名(可包含路径)
b: 字符串型别,下载至打印机内存内之文件名(请使用大写档名)
10. f*mfeed()
说明: 跳页,该函式需在setup后使用
参数: 无
11. nobackfeed()
说明: 设定纸张不回吐
参数: 无
12. windowsfont(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
说明: 使用Windows TTF字型打印文字
a: 整数型别,文字X方向起始点,以点(point)表示。
b: 整数型别,文字Y方向起始点,以点(point)表示。
c: 整数型别,字体高度,以点(point)表示。
d: 整数型别,旋转角度,逆时钟方向旋转
0 -> 0 degree
90-> 90 degree
180-> 180 degree
270-> 270 degree
e: 整数型别,字体外形
0-> 标准(N*mal)
1-> 斜体(Italic)
2-> 粗体(Bold)
3-> 粗斜体(Bold and Italic)
f: 整数型别, 底线
0-> 无底线
1-> 加底线
g: 字符串型别,字体名称。如: Arial, Times new Roman, 细名体, 标楷体
h: 字符串型别,打印文字内容。
13. about()
说明: 显示DLL 版本号码
参数: 无
Visual Basic 5.0, 6.0 f* Win95, 98范例
Private Declare Sub openp*t Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” (
ByVal PrinterName As String)
Private Declare Sub closep*t Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub sendcommand Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal command As String)
Private Declare Sub setup Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal LabelWidth As String, _
ByVal LabelHeight As String, _
ByVal Speed As String, _
ByVal Density As String, _
ByVal Sens* As String, _
ByVal Vertical As String, _
ByVal Offset As String)
Private Declare Sub downloadpcx Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal Filename As String, _
ByVal ImageName As String)
Private Declare Sub barcode Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal X As String, _
ByVal Y As String, _
ByVal CodeType As String, _
ByVal Height As String, _
ByVal Readable As String, _
ByVal rotation As String, _
ByVal Narrow As String, _
ByVal Wide As String, _
ByVal Code As String)
Private Declare Sub printerfont Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal X As String, _
ByVal Y As String, _
ByVal FontName As String, _
ByVal rotation As String, _
ByVal Xmul As String, _
ByVal Ymul As String, _
ByVal Content As String)
Private Declare Sub clearbuffer Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub printlabel Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal NumberOfSet As String, _
ByVal NumberOfCopy As String)
Private Declare Sub f*mfeed Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub nobackfeed Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ()
Private Declare Sub windowsfont Lib “c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll” ( _
ByVal X As Integer, _
ByVal Y As Integer, _
ByVal fontheight As Integer, _
ByVal rotation As Integer, _
ByVal fontstyle As Integer, _
ByVal fontunderline As Integer, _
ByVal FaceName As String, _
ByVal TextContent As String)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call openp*t(“TSC CLEVER TTP-243”)
‘Call openp*t(“\\server\TTP243”)
Call setup(“100”, “100”, “3”, “10”, “0”, “0”, “0”)
Call clearbuffer
Call downloadpcx(“c:\UL.PCX”, “UL.PCX”)
Call printerfont(“10”, “10”, “4”, “0”, “1”, “1”, “TEST PRINTOUT”)
Call barcode(“10”, “80”, “39”, “96”, “1”, “0”, “2”, “4”, “0987654321”)
Call sendcommand(“PUTPCX 100,250,””UL.PCX”””)
Call sendcommand(“BAR 400,200,300,100”)
Call sendcommand(“BOX 10,300,300,300,5”)
Call windowsfont(10, 500, 80, 0, 0,0, “标楷体”, “标楷体字型”)
Call printlabel(“1”, “1”)
Call closep*t
End Sub
FoxPro 范例
declare openp*t in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll string
declare closep*t in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare sendcommand in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare setup in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare downloadpcx in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
string, string
declare barcode in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare printerfont in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare clearbuffer in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare printlabel in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll string,string
declare f*mfeed in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare nobackfeed in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
declare windowsfont in c:\windows\system\tsclib.dll
openp*t(“TSC CLEVER TTP-243”)
Delphi 宣告范例
procedure openp*t(PrinterName:pchar);stdcall;far; external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure closep*t; external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure sendcommand(Command:pchar);stdcall;far;external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure setup(LabelWidth, LabelHeight, Speed, Density, Sens*, Vertical,
Offset:pchar);tsdcall; far; external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure downloadpcx(Filename,ImageName:pchar);stdcall;far;
external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure barcode(X, Y, CodeType, Height, Readable, Rotation, Narrow,
Wide, Code :pchar); stdcall; far; external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure printerfont(X, Y, FontName, Rotation, Xmul, Ymul, Content:pchar);
stdcall;far; external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure clearbuffer; external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure printlabel(NumberOfSet, NumberOfCopoy:pchar);stdcall; far;
external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure f*mfeed;external ‘tsclib.dll’;
procedure nobackfeed; external ‘tsclib.dll’
procedure windowsfont (X, Y, FontHeight, Rotation, FontStyle,
FontUnderline : integer; FaceName,
TextContect:pchar);stdcall;far;external ‘tsclib.dll’;
请注意: 函数名称务必使用小写字母