<% Dim arrMobile(1) arrMobile(1) = "613926666677" Call ean13(FomratEanCode(arrMobile(1)),2,100) '生成条码 Function EAN13(code,w,h) Dim Guide,Dict,Lencode,Rencode,cStart,cMid,cEnd,Barcode,Lmethod Dim i Guide = array("AAAAAA","AABABB","AABBAB","ABAABB","ABBAAB","ABBBAA","ABABAB","ABABBA","ABBABA") Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dict.Add "A", "0001101001100100100110111101010001101100010101111011101101101110001011" Dict.Add "B", "0100111011001100110110100001001110101110010000101001000100010010010111" Rencode = array("1110010","1100110","1101100","1000010","1011100","1001110","1010000","1000100","1001000","1110100") cStart="101" cMid="01010" cEnd="101" if w<2 then w=2 if h<20 then h=20 cWidth=w '条码单元宽度 cHeight=h '条码高度 '转换条码 Barcode=cStart Lmethod=left(code,1) 'if Lmethod=0 then Lmethod=1 for i=2 to 7 barcode = barcode & mid(Dict(Mid(Guide(Lmethod-1),i-1,1)),(7*mid(code,i,1)+1),7) next barcode=barcode & cMid for i=8 to 13 barcode = barcode & Rencode(mid(code,i,1)) next barcode=barcode & cEnd fg="#000000" '条码前景色 bg="#ffffff" '条码背景色 response.write "<div style='position:absolute;"&cWidth*95+60&"px; height:"&cHeight+30&"px; background:"&bg&";'>" '绘制条码 for x=1 to len(barcode) if x<5 or x>92 or (x>46 and x<51)then sh=10 else sh=0 end if if mid(barcode,x,1)="1" then bColor=fg else bColor=bg end if response.write "<div style='position:absolute;left:"&(x-1)*cWidth+30&"px;top:5px;"&cWidth&"px;height:"&cHeight+5+sh&"px;background:"&bColor&";'></div>" next '加入可读数字标签 response.write "<div style='position:absolute;left:16px;top:"&cHeight+10&"px;background:"&bg&";color:"&fg&";font:12px Verdana;'>"&left(code,1)&"</div>" for x=1 to 6 response.write "<div style='position:absolute;left:"&(x*7+2)*cWidth+22&"px;top:"&cHeight+10&"px;background:"&bg&";color:"&fg&";font:12px Verdana;'>"&mid(code,x+1,1)&"</div>" response.write "<div style='position:absolute;left:"&(x*7+47)*cWidth+24&"px;top:"&cHeight+10&"px;background:"&bg&";color:"&fg&";font:12px Verdana;'>"&mid(code,x+7,1)&"</div>" next response.write "</div>" End Function '格式化条形码,为12位 Function FomratEanCode(str) Dim strZero:strZero = "0000000000000000000" Dim i,k,int1,int2,iX,strTemp,iT str = str & strZero str = Left(str,12) '计算奇偶 k = 1 int1 = 0 int2 = 0 For i = Len(str) To 1 Step -1 iT = CInt(Mid(str,i,1)) if k Mod 2 = 1 Then int1 = int1 + iT Else int2 = int2 + iT End if k = k + 1 Next iX = int1 * 3 + int2 '求模的补 iX = 10 - (iX Mod 10) strTemp = str & iX FomratEanCode = strTemp End Function %>