


The Three major problems in India


I don't know why。 but I just decided to post this out since it has been bugging me since who knows when. Note that This isn't a hate post。 It's just a post for pointing out the various problems in India. India Has both good and bad stuff。 and today I just want to be the Devil's advocate
1) Population
People may find this controversial。 but our huge population IS our downfall. Our population is growing at a ridiculous rate and I am pretty sure when the census will be taken。 We would have bypassed China. But that alone doesn't give the full picture. China is relatively better than us in terms of standard of living (I know that CCP doesn't care about rights。 My point is in terms of quality of living and Poverty) despite being around the same population.

1) 人口
The reason is because of our population density. We rank 32。 and most top countries are relatively small (i.e Singapore。 Vatican etc)。 most of them World Trade Hubs or Religious places. Our country isn't like that. It is big。 but at the same time not really large. For a Country that's like the 1/3rd to half the size of China。 That is a huge population condensed into a small area. There really isn't enough space for everyone to live normally。 let alone have a career. My definition of quality of life is whether you are able to 1)feed yourself and your family 2) Have a stable income and 3) Have time to relax and have vacations/free time.
The population also makes it hard for any Govt to rally people's support for a bill without controversy. There will be a vocal minority group for that will oppose any policy。 as it harms them.
tldr; India is too diverse。 and too populous to be run properly. One group of people WILL find a fault in one of the bills and start a protest that can disrupt the country. The population also means that the quality of life goes down drastically。 as there isn't enough space for people.

The solution? I honestly don't know. Controlling the population isn't great for Human rights。 Education is hardly doing anything… The one thing I can think of is probably better and earlier sex education in ALL school. I Knew what sex was etc only from friends. The teachers never said what happens why it happens until 10th grade。 which is too late. They should teach what they teach in 8th to 5th graders and teach what we do in 10th to 7th graders. They will understand what happens。 Not to be ashamed to speak about sex。 and will know why having sex should be more out of love for the person rather than Making a child. Idk honestly this was the best solution to the problem.

2) Education
On the topic of education。 I cannot leave out the fact that our education system is messed up. It gives too much importance to remembering and being robotic and doesn't allow for freedom of thought. Not to say memorizing isn't important。 it isn't the only skill which a child should learn.. The ability to come up with various solutions for a single problem。 The ability to write words to create an image of something in one's mind. The ability to draw out a structure。 all of these are skill which are vital to many jobs. NEP so far hasn't implemented anything big enough to make a change。 and they better do it faster.
Let me try giving an example to you. There is something called L'Hôpital's rule in calculus that can shorten down many questions. This isn't taught in CBSE。 but people going for JEE need to learn it to solve questions faster. One of my friends (who learnt it out of interest)。 used that method for solving a paper。 and lost all marks。 because it wasn't taught in school.
This basically suggests that The education system disregards research of any topic。 and knowledge about anything but the syllabus is useless. This really killed mine and many other's enthusiasm in Science。 since we weren't allowed to develop our interest any further. I can't speak for arts and commerce students。 But I would like to think it's the same their too.

Another thing is Collages do not recognize anything else but the entrance exam. Basically what I mean is。 A person who doesn't know anything about Computers and doesn't have an aptitude for it。 but has an aptitude for PCM。 will get a seat rather than a person who really excels in Comp. The talent is being misplaced and people are being marked on the wrong things. Why does a Computer science student who wants to follow B/tech Computer science need to know Hybridization? Why does a organic chemist need to know calculus?
One more problem 。 is the fact that Extra-curricular activities are appreciated only in Private school's。 and Govt. schools really don't care about you life apart from studies. It doesn't matter if you can draw really nicely。 but can you write tell the EGE of Oxygen?
tldr; Not enough appreciation for extracurricular。 Needless teaching of subjects not important in a particular course。 Kill's enthusiasm and drive to research.
My solution? Just make it a lot more easier on topics that a person doesn't need。 and Tougher on the topics that a person needs. A b/tech comp aspirant should learn the in and outs of Java。 C++ And python。 but needn't learn the EC of elements. Give more importance to extracurriculars in colleges and have workshops across all schools on various extracurriculars. Including Govt schools.

3)Religion & Caste
I probably will be really downvoted for this。 BUT the reason we aren't progressing IS because of religion. What do I mean by this? Simple. Too much importance is being put on your religion。 Your caste etc. Half the fights wouldn't have existed in India if Muslims and Hindu's agreed that their religions are different and each person is entitled to their belief. And yes。 Hindus are responsible for this too. There are many cases of Hindu's forcing Muslims to chant Jai Sri Ram。 Just as Muslims force love jihad. If religion didn't exist in our country。 it would become boring。 but it would become peaceful.
Politicians also place too much importance on religion。 they make more statements about religion than they do about development. People are cancelled or praised for having a particular opinion on some Gods。 or Religions. More emphasis should be placed on How to stop terrorist attack in J&K。 or How to better manage the sewage system for less flooding。 and not on whether Ram Temple in Ayodhya actually existed. These changes will save thousands。 if not lakhs of people's of lives.

Now onto reservations. I honestly hate that they exist。 it gives an unfair advantage of those in the "lower caste". Let me explain.
The point of reservations anywhere is for representation. All communities should have their representation in a democracy。 and hence reservation is a good thing。 right?
Wrong. Most people who occupy these reservations area already well off. They don't represent how the community is as they are not living with the community. Tell my how a OBC earning 50 lakh per Anum living in arguably the best apartment/gated community in Bengaluru represents all the other people in the OBC? They simply don't. Their life style is more lavish。 they spend a lot of money on cars。 furniture etc. They are nothing like the poor and suffering people of the other members of the caste. They don't represent how that particular OBC are.

tldr; Rich Caste members do not really represent their caste。 Too much Importance on religion is placed by media and politics。 and It is time people respected other person' beliefs (No matter if they are a Hindu。 Muslim 。Sikh。 Christian or an Atheist).
Solution? I have no Idea how to Solve the Importance of Religion in India。 since everyone profits from it. One way is through a lot more obxtive education。 Accepting all the good and the bad things that each community has done. This will be a very slow development。 but after a decade or two。 people will look at the information they get more obxtively。 and not immediately defend some one because they practice similar religions. The other problem? It is very simple。 Just add a Salary limit。 That if you are above 3* BPL salary。 you no longer have the reservation added to you (Unless yo work at a party).
There are a lot more。 But these are the three main ones
Edit: I no longer will reply on comments because Honestly Im tired. So that's it I guess.

解决方案?我不知道如何解决宗教在印度的重要性。因为每个人都从中受益。一种方法是通过更客观的教育。接受每个群体所做的所有好事和坏事。这将是一个非常缓慢的发展。但在一二十年后。人们会更客观地看待他们得到的信息。而不是因为他们信奉类似的宗教而立即为某个人辩护。另一个问题呢?这很简单。只需添加一个薪水限制。如果你的薪水高于 3* BPL。就不再有预留位置给你(除非你为党工作)。